How To Play As Crypto

Bitcoin Crash is a novel and exciting new game that has clearly become very popular over the last few years. For those who have not heard of it before, Crash is easy to learn and difficult to master.

  1. How To Play As Crypto
  2. How To Play Crypto Apex Reddit

After users bet in the short time period before each game begins, a graph with a multiplier increases. At any time in the game, the multiplier could “crash,” meaning those who press the “cash-out” button in the game WIN their game bet.

Here is an example; let’s say you decide to cash out at a multiplier of 5x after putting in a bet of 0.01 BTC. You would receive 0.05 BTC as your reward! It is very easy to see the appeal of Crash since if you are patient, you could see ridiculously high returns! We remember one game where the multiplier went as high as 500x (in this case you would win 500 times your initial bet assuming you cashed out just before the crash)! Games can crash at any time, but it can give you very high returns if you cash out at the right time, which will make up for it.

  1. Crypto markets can lack “liquidity,” so please be very careful placing big market orders! Learn more about order types. Securing your accounts is really important. In crypto if your account gets hacked, or if you lose access to your wallet, you lose everything. There is no way to recover in many situations, so security is super important.
  2. In the early days of crypto, that meant connecting directly with a borrower and agreeing on a loan term and rate. Several platforms make it simpler today. You can deposit your crypto and instantly earn yield without having to find or interact with borrowers. You might be wondering why people borrow crypto in the first place.
  3. In this Apex Legends Crypto Guide, we will guide you on how you can play the brand new Legend Crypto in Apex Legends. Apex Legends Season 3 has launched and along with a new map, we have a new Legend in the game as well. The new Legend added to the game is Crypto who is essentially a hacker and brings his hacking skills to the battle.

At Trust Dice, we have a high-quality Bitcoin Crash game available for all our users. Users can bet with Bitcoin, Ethereum, EOSand USDT. All you need is to have Trust Dice account.


Since some cryptocurrency gambling sites are known to be dishonest, we have ensured our Crypto Crash game is provably fair using cryptographic hashes for each game, which ensure the game or the game odds cannot be tampered with.

Canaan is the last of our crypto stocks to buy. China-based CAN is the picks-and-shovels play of today’s stocks. The outfit manufacturers equipment used to mine Bitcoin. Canaan is also involved. With the world getting pushed further into the digital realm by COVID-19, investing in the technology that enables crypto ecosystems to function could be even more lucrative than trying to guess.

The yellow “Deposit” button allows you to quickly try out the game once you have loaded your account with BTC, ETH, USDT or whatever supported currency you wish to play with. Starting a game manually is as simple as clicking the “Join Game” button (in some cases you will have to wait for the existing game to conclude). If you want to make automatic bets, here are the settings you need to alter.

Firstly, you will need to set a “base bet,” which is the betting amount you start with. You then need to decide your exact strategy (more on that later) such as the amount your bet size will increase/decrease as shown underneath the “On loss” and “On win tabs.” If you wish to bet identical amounts automatically, select “return to base” under both of these options. You can also prevent automatic bets that are too large in your strategy by limiting your maximum size bet and even automatically stop betting after a certain number of bets. Once the settings are to your liking, simply click the “Run” button and your automatic bets will begin!

We also offer an auto-cashout feature. Many of our users find it can be difficult to stay composed as the multiplier increases and as the potential winnings keep increasing. Via auto-cashout, users can automatically exit the game with their winnings at any chosen fixed multiplier. For example, you could set it to automatically cash out at 2x, providing the game doesn’t “crash” before then.

Another reason to use the automatic betting feature is that your strategy can be executed automatically. Many have agreed that this makes the game very convenient as users can simply watch and enjoy the Crash experience for many rounds without needing to join each new Crash round again and again.

Trustdice has a particularly interesting feature called the 24-hour wagering contest, in which those who bet the most in a day receive special bonuses as a reward for playing! For example, if you bet BTC, then you are joining the 24-hour bitcoin wagering contest. If you reach the Top 10 User Leaderboard, you get a nice BTC prize, which increases depending on your rank.

Now, onto crypto crash gambling strategy.

Winning “Crash” and good strategies:

1. The simplest method is selecting an auto-cashout number such as 1.5x, and always collecting your profit at this amount. Or you could set your cashout multiplier much higher, for example 5x. This will mean you might win fewer bets but you will win big on these.

2. There are also more complex strategies, such as the Martingale betting system, which in fact first developed in 18th century France. While the exact numbers involved tend to vary from player to player, the basic principle remains the same. If you lose a game, in the next round you increase your bet by a certain fixed percentage, and once you win, the bet decreases back to the starting amount.

The idea is that even if you make several losses in a row, an eventual win will not only recover these losses but in fact make a profit. Such a strategy is best suited for those with a large bankroll since losses will not wipe out your balance and so you can keep playing until you win. If you are doing this for the first time, here are the Martingale settings we recommend.


Go to “Auto” and “on loss” you should type “1.5x,” meaning after each loss your bet size increases by 1.5x. For “on win” simply choose the “return to base” option. This is a basic Martingale strategy, and you can tweak the numbers and decide whether you want to choose to auto-cashout once you have more confidence in this method. What are the risks of such a method? If you hit an unlucky streak of losses, you will lose money very quickly as the amount you are betting will keep increasing.

3. The anti-Martingale is yet another strategy, less well-known but equally effective. Some players believe that they have “hot” or winning streaks, in which they win several games in a row, as well as “cold” or losing streaks. To take advantage of this, after each win they increase their bet size by a certain amount, and after each loss they decrease their bet size, meaning they make lots of money on winning streaks and minimise losses on losing streaks. To implement this strategy, use the same settings as the Martingale under “on loss” and “on win,” but reversed. Under “on loss” select “return to base,” and under “On win” select the amount by which you wish to increase your bet size. The risks are similar to a Martingale approach.

Of course, we would recommend doing your own research before applying any of these strategies, since there is such a wide variety of them, and it is worth understanding the pros and cons of each.

We hope you’ve learnt something about the classic Crypto Crash game and we look forward to meeting you on!

All the best,

The TrustDice Team

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How To Play As Crypto

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In this Apex Legends Crypto Guide, we will guide you on how you can play the brand new Legend Crypto in Apex Legends. Apex Legends Season 3 has launched and along with a new map, we have a new Legend in the game as well. The new Legend added to the game is Crypto who is essentially a hacker and brings his hacking skills to the battle. His abilities and skills are all focused on using his Surveillance Drone which is a valuable asset to the team he is playing in.

We have curated this Apex Legends Crypto Guide in which we have detailed the new Legend Crypto along with his abilities. We have also shared some tips and tricks which will certainly come in handy while you are playing as Crypto in Apex Legends. With the help of this guide, you will be able to play effectively with Crypto in no time in Apex Legends.

Crypto Guide – Apex Legends

Our Apex Legends Crypto Guide details everything that you need to know about playing with the new legend Crypto in Apex Legends.

How To Play As Crypto

Crypto Overview

Starting with the character overview, Crypto falls between the bigger legends such as Gibraltar and Caustic and the smaller legends such as Wraith and Lifeline. This means that there is no buff or debuff for Crypto when it comes to hitbox. Crypto comes with standard health and regular movement speed without any buffs or debuffs. His major role in any battle is support and recon and for that, his Surveillance Drone plays a major role.

However, Crypto being a primary support character does not mean that he lacks offense because his Ultimate ability provides defense offense and defense at the same time. We can say that Crypto is a pretty good overall character which some added bonus when it comes to recon and surveillance. Similar to other legends in the game, Crypto also comes with three abilities which include his Passive, Tactical and Ultimate abilities. We have detailed them below.

Crypto Abilities

Crypto’s drone plays a vital role when it comes to his abilities. It is extremely vital and you can say that Crypto is unable to use any of the abilities if there is no drone involved in the mix making it a very strong as well as a weak point for Crypto as well. With that being said, you enemies can indeed shoot down the drone making Crypto useless in certain situations. Crypto comes with the following abilities in Apex Legends.

Tactical Ability – Surveillance Drone

This is Crypto’s most important ability in the game but it also makes him the most vulnerable. Even starting with the ability, the initial deployment ability is pretty long in the game and will take a lot of time however once the drone is deployed, you can control the drone easily. On the plus side, you can move around while this animation is playing but you cannot shoot so you have to stay close to your squad while deploying your drone.

Controlling the drone may take some time getting used to because it’s a new in-game mechanic but once you are in control, it’s fairly simple. The buttons are the same across all platforms. You can use Crouch to go down, Jump to go up, Forward to go ahead and Backward to go back. Once in control of the drone, it will allow you to mark enemies, chests and locations like you normally do with your character.

The best feature of this drone is that it will automatically highlight any enemy, chest or door that is within 30 meters of its range for you and your teammate. However, you can still ping enemies or chests to your teammates to make sure that they are aware of their locations like you normally do. This is pretty similar to a wallhack but this time this is not illegal to use in the game. In addition, the range is only 30 meter so you have to get drone pretty close to the enemy team to highlight them through walls and doors.

Passive Ability – Neurolink

With Crypto’s passive ability Neurolink, the whole squad stays connected to the visual feed of the drone even when Crypto is not controlling it. You can make the drone stay in its place by switching back to Crypto and not calling the drone back. It does not return to your automatically and it will stay flying on its location even when you switch back to Crypto. This will continue to give you the heads up on enemy movement up ahead and allow your team to advance by devising an appropriate strategy.

Ultimate Ability – Drone EMP

The Surveillance Drone’s Ultimate Ability Drone EMP can be a match-changing one because it releases a very powerful EMP blast in a large radius which not only deals 50 damage to enemy shields but it also slows down players and destroys all traps in its radius as well. It does not deal any flesh damage to enemies, however, when they are slowed down, you can do that yourself. The fact that this ability can instantly take down shields pretty quickly of all enemies in its radius and slow them down while highlighting them at the same time, gives your team a massive advantage especially when the match is about to end.

Tips and Tricks

  • Always adjust your drone control according to your team’s playstyle. You cannot always rely on your drone if your team plays very aggressively and is always on the move. If you continue to use your drone a lot with them, you will eventually fall behind pretty soon and it will do you no good when you are all alone. So you must always limit your drone usage according to your team’s playstyle and if possible, always notify them that you are about to deploy or control the drone so that they watch your back in the meantime.
  • Your drone comes with the ability to open the door and even chests. This gives you a massive advantage in battles because if someone is trying to hide behind a door, you can use your drone and open the door from a safe distance and your teammate can quickly lob in a grenade or land a sniper headshot. You should try to use this ability to your advantage as much as you can during battles and you will be surprised how this little ability can help you in various scenarios.
  • Always recall your drone back if it’s not needed. You can switch back and forth between Crypto and the drone according to the match needs but there are no enemies around you and the coast is clear, don’t leave the drone flying. Always call it back or you will move too far away from it eventually. It stays floating where you leave it if you don’t call it back.
  • If you take your drone and take it to the large player banners which Crypto has been hacking around in King’s Canyon initially, you can see how many enemy squads are near your location. This gives you a massive advantage in your battle and will allow you to quickly change your tactics. You can simply leave your drone at these banners and keep checking it back and forth to see if any more enemy squads are near your location or not.
  • Your drone is not invincible. It can be shot down by your enemies and once destroyed, you will have to wait for 40 seconds before you can deploy it again. Always make sure that you don’t take it too close to your enemies because apart from emitting light, the drone also makes a really loud noise which can be identified easily by your enemies and they can shoot down the drone. Park it at strategic locations so that it can show you the enemy locations from a safe location.
  • Apart from getting shot down, if you drive your drone too far from your body, you will lose contact with it and you will not be able to control it anymore. To get back in control with your drone, all you need to do is move ahead in the direction of the drone to get it back in the range and you will be able to control it again easily. You can also call it back but this will give you a cooldown time which is something you can easily avoid by just moving towards the drone and getting it back in range.

Check out more Apex Legends guides below as well.

How To Play Crypto Apex Reddit

This concludes our Apex Legends Crypto Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.

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